Samyama Healing
A Portal into your Heart
Discover Your Heart’s Longing
~ Do you Long for something else, but are not quite sure what that may be?
~ Are you suffering, wanting things to be different than they are?
~ Samyama Healing offers a way of meeting each moment of life. Whether it is an ordinary moment in our day-to-day lives (like sitting in traffic when you are late for an appointment), or one of unusual trauma, grief, joy, or pleasure. The practice of Samyama helps us to open to what is, as it is. Allowing us to experience the perfection of Life as it is, no matter how it appears. This is so even in the most heart-shattering experiences. Samyama alleviates the suffering of wanting things to be different than they are–no matter what they are.
~ Samyama Healing can assist us to dissolve painful psychological states and the layers of protection over our hearts. Forgiveness, love, compassion, and joy arise naturally. We can give up struggling and agonizing. This is not a method to fix what is wrong. Samyama consistently reveals so beautifully that there is nothing wrong, and no one needing to be fixed. It leads us to realize that every wound is a portal to the Holy, if we can be present enough to recognize it. Samyama Healing teaches us presence.
~ I am called to Samyama Healing through the initiation of my teenage daughter’s death. Samyama allows me to meet the feelings of loss in my heart as pure energy and lets them exist as they are without trying to get my attention in another way. The heart is a vessel where everything is possible.
~ Samyama joins with creative process to provide a pathway for healing to manifest through artwork, writing, movement, etc. Previous artistic experience is not necessary. Samyama allows creative energy to arise from its source.