Thursday, May 7, 2009


Dan and I were having a discussion about 'Not Doing' last night. I told him that more gets done when I am not doing than when I am trying to control the outcome of every little thing. We both work in a very 'Doing' environment. I hear "what are you going to do about that???" a million times a day. I always answer to myself, 'Nothing, I am going to do absolutely nothing about that.' and then I let the feeling of that statement permeate my body.

Here is how I get my job done without doing a thing. I add things that need to be accomplished to a list. Then I sit with that list, and ask for the items on it to be prioritized, without being attached to what those priorities are. Then I continue to be present in each moment. Before I know it, things on my list are getting done. The doing arises from the not-doing, from being-ness. I find myself picking up the phone to make a call, and one thing gets crossed off the list. Sometimes, after I list things on my paper and sit with it, someone comes and tells me that it has been taken care of. I LOVE this process. It is so much easier Being than Doing.

There have been times when a co-worker asked me what I did to accomplish a certain task that at the time was daunting, and I say with complete honesty, "Not a thing, I didn't do anything."