Thursday, April 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Leah

Today is Leah's birthday, she would have been 28, her golden birthday, aaah a tear comes to my eye as I remember her pouting as a little girl that she would have to wait too long for her golden birthday. So today I invoke Golden Nectar to soothe the places that still hurt so much, and let my heart break open yet again. And in sitting with this, there is gratitude for the journey I am on, not needing to know why, bowing to the mystery of it all. Knowing that I have been carried on the wings of love. As I think back to all the moments that have led up to this one, I am in awe of it all.
We are headed to Minneapolis tomorrow to see Pete. As always, there are blessings amidst the pain.
much love to all,

Monday, March 7, 2011

Samyama Info Session

This past Saturday, March 5th, we held a Samyama information session in Raleigh. I was an opportunity to begin to share Samyama with others who had not previously had experience with Samyama.
It was a grace filled couple of hours. I am grateful to all who attended, and everyone who was holding us.

Much love, Nancy

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

Scrupulous Devotion to Present Moment

Surprises are found in the present moment,
not what you think is the present moment,
not what you want the present moment to be,
this moment, this one here, now this one...
without any attachment to what it is.


The present moment always suprises and delights!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Now Year Resolutions

As a new year begins, talk abounds of New Year's Resolutions. Again this year, I make no resolution to begin on January 1, 2011. If I were to make a resolution it would be to meet each moment as it is, without expectation of what it will hold, or what my behavior will be based upon this expectation. I have been living this way for a while, so I guess you could say I make this resolution each new day, a now year resolution. Sure there are things in my life I would like to be different, to improve. I have tried for a long time to change things by shear force, or by wishing them away, or a thousand other ways. The only way that works is to meet whatever it is as it is, and feeling the feelings that arise around whatever it may be. This is Samyama, to meet each day, each hour, each minute as new, and feel what is here. By feeling the feeling as it appears, and allowing myself to meet it in my heart, magic happens, alchemy. Someting shifts, a new insight comes in, a person appears in my life to help me. I still marvel at the wonder of it all. I invite you into your own inquiry. What are you longing for? What you are longing for is also longing for you.
