A few weeks ago Dan and I were in Raleigh for the weekend. On Friday night I heard about an 8th grade girl who died when she was hit by a car crossing the street after school. I did what I always do when I hear this kind of news. I sat in silence and held her family and friends, and asked Leah to help her.
The next day, Dan and I were checking out a new farmers market that promised some local organic produce. It was too early for there to be any at the market, but I was moved to go anyway to talk to the participants and get some information.
As we were driving back home, we came upon the site of the accident. Dan said, 'should we stop?' In that moment, a thousand thoughts were vying for attention in my mind, all of them shouting, 'no way!' My heart said 'YES' I was driving, I told him, let me get there, do not make me talk about this right now. I was shaking like a leaf until I pulled up to the site and got out of the car. There were about a half dozen of her friends drawing with chalk on the side walk. We talked with one of the father's of the girls making an altar to their friend. We told them we were there to witness. We talked to the girls. Dan told them he stopped by Leah's accident site and talked to her friends gathered after she died. We told them to talk to each other, to be there for each other and to feel what they were feeling.
There was a local TV crew filming the girls artwork, and talking to them about what happened. Dan and I were asked why we were there, and we told them. We were also interviewed, and a part of the interview was on TV.
As Dan and I drove away that day, I said to him, 'It feels like our ministry has begun.' He said, 'yes'.