I have been witnessing the impulse to write in this blog. When I first started it, I thought, 'why am I starting a blog? what will I write in it? writing a blog is so unlike me.' and I still had very strong guidance to start it. So I did. This is the kind of guidance I know is coming from Presence. I know what it feels like, and I am faithful to its gentle and sometimes not so gentle nudges.
Nothing I have written in it has been planned or predetermined. I do not sit up at night and think about what I will write next on this page. It is not a thinking process. When I am moved to write, I do, and whatever I am moved to write appears here. I really love this process. It is how my entire life is unfolding. I am comfortable not knowing ANYTHING! Really, I am. Because even when I think I know, I really don't. When I am in the present moment, without attachment to how things should happen, even if they have happened a certain way for 55 years, I am open to receive what is given in that moment. When I expect things to happen a certain way, run the story of a certain event in my head over and over, I may not be open to what is here now. In this moment, everything is possible, and I am willing to be surprised and delighted. How about you?